about me

Azharul Rafy - a Digital Marketer

I am a lifetime learner, became a novice to a tech enthusiastic

I started my online career in 2012 as a virtual assistant, all based on self-direction and motivation with guidance from some blogs and YouTube channels.

Through the privileges of working with over 130 clients worldwide, I learned invaluable skills such as digital marketing, website design, search engine optimization, blogging, and content creation along the way.

I achieved Top Rated freelancer status on Upwork in 2015, when it was known as Odesk.

I am a family guy, and I spend most of the off days traveling with my family.

The type of work I do as a profession allows me to mostly work from home, and in between breaks, I play with my daughter.

Some of the passive income sources (blogs, YouTube channels, and courses) allowed me to live the life I always wanted. I travel to new places, explore, and learn…

Anita Renner-Thomas

"Amazing job! High quality work done, always available, quick to deliver, very cooperative and sensible. As soon as I have more projects for the lead generation I will contact Azharul. Super professional, I am very happy."